Jasmine Roberts

Jasmine Roberts

Unapologetic internet lover. Lifelong student. Infuriatingly humble twitter evangelist. Subtly charming travel evangelist. Unapologetic web practitioner.

47 Total Articles
What is BPSS Clearance and Why is it Essential?

What is BPSS Clearance and Why is it Essential?

The BPSS (Basic Staff Safety Standard) is a fundamental level of security authorization in the United Kingdom. It...

Understanding the Different Levels of BPSS Clearance

Understanding the Different Levels of BPSS Clearance

The BPSS is the recognized standard for pre-employment evaluation of individuals with access to government assets. It is...

What Are the Fees for Obtaining BPSS Clearance?

What Are the Fees for Obtaining BPSS Clearance?

The BPSS is a standard level of control in the communications, energy and finance sectors. This type of control confirms...

How long does a secret clearance take to process?

How long does a secret clearance take to process?

Secrecy is a mid-level authorization, so the schedule usually ranges from confidential to top secret. However, while 60...

How many years is a top secret clearance good for?

How many years is a top secret clearance good for?

When does the security authorization expire? Confidential-level authorization, the lowest security threat, is valid for...

What causes a security clearance to be revoked?

What causes a security clearance to be revoked?

There are several reasons why your security authorization may be suspended, denied, or revoked. These include not meeting ...

The Serious Consequences of Providing False Information on a BPSS Clearance Application

The Serious Consequences of Providing False Information on a BPSS Clearance Application

The Basic Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) is a critical security measure used in functions where people have access to ...

The Role of Counter-Terrorism Check in BPSS Clearance

The Role of Counter-Terrorism Check in BPSS Clearance

The Basic Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) is a legal requirement in the United Kingdom for the pre-employment...

Do I Need BPSS Clearance for Government Positions?

Do I Need BPSS Clearance for Government Positions?

The BPSS (Basic Personnel Security Standard) is a requirement for people who need to work with sensitive information for...

How often are secret clearances renewed?

How often are secret clearances renewed?

The date the last background investigation was closed determines when a new periodic investigation must be submitted. The ...

What Information is Needed for a BPSS Clearance Application?

What Information is Needed for a BPSS Clearance Application?

The process of obtaining a BPSS clearance may involve criminal background checks and financial background evaluations....

Understanding Security Clearance Levels in the UK: An Expert's Guide

Understanding Security Clearance Levels in the UK: An Expert's Guide

When it comes to high-level security authorizations in the UK, two of the most common are Security Check (SC) and...

What is the Difference Between BPSS Clearance and SC Clearance?

What is the Difference Between BPSS Clearance and SC Clearance?

The BPSS is not a security authorization, but it is a recognized standard for the pre-employment evaluation of people...

Do All Government Jobs Require BPSS Clearance? - A Comprehensive Guide

Do All Government Jobs Require BPSS Clearance? - A Comprehensive Guide

The BPSS is a prerequisite for anyone working in or on behalf of a government department. This includes contractors,...

Does secret clearance automatically renew?

Does secret clearance automatically renew?

A government security authorization requires periodic re-investigation every 15 years to obtain a “confidential...

What are the Requirements for Basic Personnel Security Standard in the UK?

What are the Requirements for Basic Personnel Security Standard in the UK?

The Basic Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) is the minimum level of security authorization for all UK Department for...

What is the Difference Between BPSS and Security Clearance (SC)?

What is the Difference Between BPSS and Security Clearance (SC)?

The Basic Personnel Safety Standard (BPSS) is not a formal security authorization, but its rigorous and consistent...

Understanding Security Clearances in the USA: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Security Clearances in the USA: A Comprehensive Guide

The United States government and military partner with Northrop Grumman to provide access to sensitive information. To...

How Long Does BPSS Clearance Last? A Comprehensive Guide

How Long Does BPSS Clearance Last? A Comprehensive Guide

BPSS checks are typically completed within 5 to 10 business days and are a standard level of control in the...

Renew Your BPSS Clearance Easily and Quickly

Renew Your BPSS Clearance Easily and Quickly

The Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) is a pre-employment evaluation for people related to the financial,...

What is BPSS Security Clearance and Why is it Important?

What is BPSS Security Clearance and Why is it Important?

BPSS ClearanceIn today's security-conscious climate, BPSS Clearance has become an imperative facet of recruitment for...

What Are the Consequences of Not Obtaining BPSS Clearance?

What Are the Consequences of Not Obtaining BPSS Clearance?

If a contractor fails to meet the Basic Personnel Safety Standard (BPSS), they are subject to a process known as...

What is the Purpose of BPSS Clearance? A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Purpose of BPSS Clearance? A Comprehensive Guide

Verifying people's identity, work history, and references is essential for protecting government assets and information....

Are You Eligible for UK Security Clearance? A Comprehensive Guide

Are You Eligible for UK Security Clearance? A Comprehensive Guide

Are you a Commonwealth citizen or British protected person? Are you a citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA),...

What Types of Checks are Included in BPSS Clearance?

What Types of Checks are Included in BPSS Clearance?

You'll often come across the acronym RICE when it comes to BPSS checks. Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS)...

Does top secret clearance expire?

Does top secret clearance expire?

The security authorizations on page 2 2 of top secret must be re-investigated periodically every 5 years and the secret...

Appealing a Denial or Revocation of BPSS Clearance: A Guide

Appealing a Denial or Revocation of BPSS Clearance: A Guide

If the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) Consolidated Adjudication Services (CAS) or an award center ...

What is the hardest security clearance to get?

What is the hardest security clearance to get?

The process of obtaining a top secret authorization involves extensive background research. Confidential and secret...

What does clearance vetting mean?

What does clearance vetting mean?

Candidates for government security clearance are screened to ensure they don't have an irregular past. An attorney...

BPSS Security Clearance Uk

BPSS Security Clearance Uk

BPSS Security Clearance in the UK  is a standard pre-employment check for workers handling sensitive government...

What happens if your security clearance gets revoked?

What happens if your security clearance gets revoked?

You can re-request a security authorization through your employer if you need access to classified information. You will...

Can Individuals with Criminal Records Obtain BPSS Clearance?

Can Individuals with Criminal Records Obtain BPSS Clearance?

The Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) verification is a UK background check that was created to help reduce the ...

Do You Need BPSS Clearance for Sensitive Roles?

Do You Need BPSS Clearance for Sensitive Roles?

To obtain security authorization, a person must complete a BPSS check. However, they cannot request control on their own.

Understanding the Difference Between BPSS Clearance and Other Security Clearances

Understanding the Difference Between BPSS Clearance and Other Security Clearances

The BPSS (Basic Personnel Security Standard) is a pre-employment evaluation process used to assess people who have access ...

Who is Eligible for BPSS Clearance? A Comprehensive Guide

Who is Eligible for BPSS Clearance? A Comprehensive Guide

The Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) authorization process is a key part of the United Kingdom's...

What is the BPSS Clearance Confirmation? A Comprehensive Guide

What is the BPSS Clearance Confirmation? A Comprehensive Guide

The BPSS (Basic Staff Security Standard) is a standard level of control in the communications, energy and finance...

What Happens When Circumstances Change After Obtaining BPSS Clearance?

What Happens When Circumstances Change After Obtaining BPSS Clearance?

Most authorizations, once completed, are valid for a fixed period of time, usually five or ten years. This is because the ...

How to Get a Security Clearance for a Contractor in the UK

How to Get a Security Clearance for a Contractor in the UK

Are you looking to work as a contractor in the UK and need to obtain a security clearance? If so, you'll need to...

What are the 5 Levels of Security Clearance in the USA?

What are the 5 Levels of Security Clearance in the USA?

This article covers the security authorization terms used in the United States of America. Government security...

How Long Does a BPSS Authorization Last? A Comprehensive Guide

How Long Does a BPSS Authorization Last? A Comprehensive Guide

As an expert in security clearance and background screening, I'm often asked how long a Basic Personnel Security Standard ...