What Are the Fees for Obtaining BPSS Clearance?

How Much Does BPSS Clearance Cost

AS of July 2024 there are many companies offering BPSS Clearance services in the UK.  The costs of BPSS Clearance is in a range from  £85 - £160.00. This price range covers checks for identity, right to work, criminal record, and employment history.  

Various factors such as the complexity of checks, urgency, and additional services like enhanced identity verification can affect the total cost. Additionally, provider fees and VAT at 20% should be factored into the final cost. Bulk discounts may be available for higher volumes, and provider reputation can influence the overall value.

BPSS stands for  Baseline Personnel Security Standard

Best Price for BPSS Clearance

Having looked at the price being charged by over a dozen companies the best price for BPSS Clearance in the Uk is £85.

This fee covers the essential checks required to verify an individual's identity, right to work, criminal record, and employment history. These checks are crucial foe maintaining security and trustworthiness, particularly in sectors handling sensitive information such as government departments, communications, energy, and finance.

While this price point represents the base cost, organizations should be aware that additional expenses may arise. It is important to account for VAT and any supplementary fees that may be imposed by the service provider. For instance, some providers offer expedited processing or more comprehensive checks at an added cost.

Investing in BPSS clearance is not merely a regulatory obligation but a strategic measure to safeguard organizational integrity. By ensuring that employees possess the requisite qualifications and clean backgrounds, employers can significantly mitigate risks associated with fraud, illegal work, and data breaches.
Moreover, demonstrating due diligence in this area can enhance an organization's reputation, making it a more attractive partner for governmental contracts and collaborations.

BPSS Clearance Quote

If you do not want the hassle of having to contact multiple companies for a quote for BPSS Clearance then just fill out the Request A Quote form you see here. We will get you 3  quotes best suited to your needs in only 24 hours. 

Factors Influencing Cost

Several key factors influence the cost of obtaining BPSS clearance, shaping the final expenditure organizations must anticipate. One primary factor is the complexity of the check, which can vary based on the candidate's personal history, such as international ties or extensive employment records.

The number of checks required also significantly impacts the cost, with bulk discounts often available for organizations needing multiple clearances.

The urgency of the check can drive costs higher as expedited services typically incur additional fees. Additional services, such as comprehensive identity verification, address history checks, employment history verification, financial checks, and criminal record searches, can further augment the overall price. These services ensure a thorough vetting process but add to the financial outlay.

Moreover, personal history intricacies, such as periods spent abroad, may necessitate more detailed investigations, impacting the cost. Lastly, provider fees contribute to the overall expense, with different providers offering varying levels of service and accuracy, which can influence the final cost.

Understanding these factors is crucial for organizations to budget effectively and ensure they obtain comprehensive and reliable BPSS clearances, which are vital for maintaining security and trustworthiness in sensitive sectors.

Provider Choice Impact

Selecting the right provider for BPSS clearance significantly influences both the cost and quality of the vetting process. Different providers offer varying levels of service, accuracy, and turnaround times, which can greatly affect the total expense and efficiency of obtaining clearance. When choosing a provider, it is essential to consider their reputation and track record in delivering comprehensive and reliable vetting services.

Providers may charge different fees based on the scope of services they offer. Some include additional checks, such as financial history or extended employment verification, which could enhance the thoroughness of the clearance but also increase costs.

Furthermore, the technology and systems used by providers can impact both the speed and security of the vetting process, potentially justifying higher fees for more advanced solutions.

It is also important to evaluate customer service and support. Providers that offer robust support systems can facilitate smoother and faster clearances, reducing potential delays and complications.

Bulk Discounts and VAT

Organizations requiring multiple BPSS clearances can often benefit from bulk discounts, potentially reducing the overall cost per application. Many service providers offer tiered pricing structures, which incentivize higher volumes by decreasing the per-unit price as the quantity of applications increases. For example, an organization needing 50 clearances may pay a lower rate per check compared to one requiring only 10. This approach not only results in financial savings but also simplifies the budgeting process for large-scale hiring or contracting projects.

It is crucial to factor in Value Added Tax (VAT) when calculating the total expense of BPSS clearance. The standard VAT rate in the UK is 20%, which is applied to the base cost of the service. For instance, if a BPSS check costs £85.00, the final price including VAT would be £102.00. Organizations should ensure they account for this additional charge in their financial planning.

Value for Money Considerations

When determining the overall expenditure for BPSS clearance, it is important to assess the value for money by considering factors beyond just the base cost and VAT. Evaluating the thoroughness and accuracy of the screening process is paramount, as a comprehensive check can prevent future complications linked to insufficient vetting.
Comparing prices across providers can reveal significant variations, but it is essential to balance cost with the quality of service offered. Our Quote service will expidite this for  you ensuring get the most suitable service for your needs at the best price. 

Turnaround time is another critical consideration; faster processing times can be advantageous, especially for roles requiring urgent placement. However, expedited services may come at a premium, necessitating a cost-benefit analysis.

The inclusion of additional services within the base fee can also enhance value for money. For instance, some providers may integrate identity verification and employment history checks, which are essential components of the BPSS clearance, thus offering a more comprehensive package.

Reputation and customer reviews of the service provider should not be overlooked. A well-regarded provider with positive feedback is more likely to offer reliable and efficient services. Ultimately, these factors collectively contribute to determining the true value for money when investing in BPSS clearance.

Additional Service Costs

In addition to the base cost of BPSS clearance, various supplementary services can significantly impact the final expenditure. These additional services are often necessary to ensure comprehensive vetting and may include identity verification, address history checks, employment history verification, financial checks, and criminal record checks. Each of these services incurs its own cost, adding to the overall expense of obtaining BPSS clearance.

Identity verification typically involves electronic authentication of personal details such as name, address, and aliases. Address history checks ensure the individual has a stable residential history, which is crucial for security purposes.

Employment history verification confirms the applicant's previous work engagements, which helps in assessing their reliability and trustworthiness. Financial checks might be required to ensure the individual has no outstanding issues that could pose a risk.

Criminal record checks, focusing on unspent convictions, are crucial to ascertain the applicant's legal standing.
These supplementary services not only enhance the thoroughness of the BPSS clearance process but also ensure compliance with regulatory standards. Therefore, when budgeting for BPSS clearance, it is essential to consider these additional costs to avoid any unforeseen financial implications.

Trends in BPSS Pricing

Monitoring the trends in BPSS pricing reveals fluctuations influenced by factors such as demand, technological advancements, and competitive dynamics among providers. The cost of BPSS clearance  is not static. It is subject to variations due to market demands; higher demand during peak recruitment seasons can drive prices up, while quieter periods may see a reduction.

Technological advancements play a significant role in shaping these prices. Automation and improved data processing systems can reduce operational costs for providers, potentially leading to lower prices for consumers. On the other hand, the integration of advanced security measures may increase costs due to the need for specialized technology and expertise.
Competitive dynamics among providers also contribute to price fluctuations. Increased competition can drive prices down as companies strive to offer the most attractive packages.

Conversely, providers with a strong reputation and additional services may command higher fees.
Regulatory changes and updates in screening protocols can also impact costs. Providers must adapt to new regulations, sometimes incurring additional expenses that are reflected in their pricing. Understanding these trends is crucial for organizations planning their budget for BPSS clearances.

BPSS Application Process Steps

The application process for BPSS clearance involves several detailed steps to ensure thorough vetting and compliance with regulatory standards. Initially, applicants are required to submit their personal information through a secure online portal.

This data includes identity documents, proof of address, and any relevant employment history for the past three years.

Verification of the applicant's right to work in the UK is a crucial step, involving checks on immigration status and nationality. Alongside this, identity verification is conducted to authenticate the applicant's name, address, and any aliases. This step integrates electronic authentication to ensure accuracy and reliability.

A criminal records search follows, focusing on unspent convictions, as this is a fundamental aspect of the BPSS check. The final step involves cross-referencing the applicant's employment history and any significant periods spent abroad within the last three years.

Once all data is collated, it is transferred securely to the employing organization. This comprehensive process ensures that individuals are thoroughly vetted, reducing risks associated with identity fraud and illegal working, and thereby maintaining high security and trust standards within sensitive sectors.


The cost of BPSS clearance  is influenced by various factors including service provider choice, complexity, urgency, and additional services. Bulk discounts may apply for multiple clearances, while VAT and supplementary fees should be considered.

The investment in BPSS clearance is crucial for verifying employee identity, right to work, and criminal history, thereby ensuring security and trustworthiness.
Understanding these cost factors enables organizations to make informed, value-driven decisions.

Our quote service is ideal for helping you quickly and with minimum hassle get the most suitable BPSS Clearane service at the best price 

Jasmine Roberts
Jasmine Roberts

Unapologetic internet lover. Lifelong student. Infuriatingly humble twitter evangelist. Subtly charming travel evangelist. Unapologetic web practitioner.

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