Understanding the Difference Between BPSS Clearance and Other Security Clearances

The BPSS (Basic Personnel Security Standard) is a pre-employment evaluation process used to assess people who have access to government assets. It is not a formal security authorization, but its consistent application is essential for the national security background investigation process at the CTC, Level 1B, SC and DV levels. A BPSS is typically required for any job that involves “secret” or “top secret” locations, technologies, or information. The main purpose of the BPSS authorization, according to the HMG guidelines on the BPSS, is to act as a precautionary measure to confirm the identity of individuals (employees and contractors) and provide a level of assurance regarding their reliability, integrity and trustworthiness.

It's important to note that an authorization from the BPSS would not be suitable for a person operating in a position where they can get a complete and general picture of a SECRET plan, policy, or project. Controlled Unclassified does not represent an authorization designation, but rather an authorization level in which the distribution of information is controlled. While different levels of security authorization will involve similar processes, most forms of security authorization will require some type of security questionnaire. These authorizations include all previous authorization checks and, subsequently, additional interviews or deeper analysis on certain points, as necessary.

Generally, applicants must have been residents for four of the last five years to obtain an SC authorization or nine of the last 10 to obtain a DV authorization. Many jobs that require security clearances will try to go beyond this “basic standard” and include other authorization requirements. To help you better understand practical considerations and recommended additional tests related to BPSS authorization, we have created a guide to BPSS control standards. Ultimately, however, at the macroeconomic level, BPSS authorizations also aim to strengthen and protect national security, safeguarding the country and its citizens from potential threats that could disrupt order and well-being.

When the primary concern is reliability, an assessment of the status of access to the facilities is carried out (similar to the standard assessment of the state of reliability); when the main concern is loyalty to Canada, an authorization for access to the facilities is required (similar to a secret check). A security authorization is granted to a person, and a maximum level of authorization is generally recognized.

Jasmine Roberts
Jasmine Roberts

Unapologetic internet lover. Lifelong student. Infuriatingly humble twitter evangelist. Subtly charming travel evangelist. Unapologetic web practitioner.

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